So, I guess I can blame Wesley for this one. She created one, and it looked cool, so naturally, I had to create one (better than her's, of course!). Nevertheless, we will see how this goes and see how responsible I am with keeping up with it. This, alone, should be interesting.
Today started early, about 6:45 a.m. I had to finish some last minute studying for "Farm and Ranch Management" (no laughing!). The test was at 12:30, so this gave me close to 5 hours of quality study time before the test. This, of course, was the plan.
Wesley met me around 8:30 in the library. We were both at computers, and I could not resist the temptation of looking up Dallas Cowboy tickets. Since we will be in D-town for the Baylor-Tech game, and we will be spending most of our Fall Break already enjoying the Tech game and the State Fair, one could only complete this trip with my first time watching the (mediocre) Cowboys at Jerry-Land.
Speaking of that weekend, could it please hurry up? I haven't been to the State Fair of Texas since I was 14. I remember it quite well, because it was the same weekend My Grandmother Juannette passed. Wesley has never been, so sharing this experience with a "newbie" will be great. I have given her the advice of not eating for a week before hand, so's to have enough room for all the fried food you can eat! The weekend will also be great because my parents and their friends, Tammy and John Jelinek , will be able to catch the Tech game. Tech has some qualitative debt owed to my folks after last year's A&M disaster (This was their first Tech game. Needless to say, It wasn't a good impression). Even after all my "We never lose at home, let alone to A&M" talk, I was pretty sure my parents were sold on not coming back.
Anyway, test went well, let's hope. Do not be fooled by the name, F.R.M is marginally difficult. But, like my Grandma would say, "What's done is done, no use in worrying about it now. Just Learn from it."
With that being said, I have got to get to bed. Business Analysis II Test tomorrow!
Lucas Out.
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