Thursday, March 3, 2011

So, if you aren't caught up, I'm an economics student. Which means money, and everything about it fascinates me. And, on occasion, I like to rant about economic issues, mostly ones that involve our president.

I will say this, though, When it looked like Obama was going to indeed win the presidency, I wasn't shocked or scared like some of my fellow Texans.
Actually, I encouraged it. It is exactly what I wanted, and after seeing the voting stats, exactly what I thought. People who had no clue and STILL dont, voted. Which is awesome, the greatest power an American has is to vote. Yet, are you voting just because he is black, or because you believe in his 'change'.
I am not afraid to say...

Obama would not have won, if he was white.
Actually, his points on issues would have been long gone, and laughed at in the media, if he was white.
Because, if you dont know, Obama is a great leader, but to a certain extent.
I laugh at those who get angry at that statement, and offer this question in return.
"What is Obama's policy?"
You haven't a clue, no one does.

It's no surprise, that as a economics major, I love learning and knowing a lot about the most influential people in any country. The presidents of the United States.
And, it's no surprise, I'm a secret backer of my boy, George "Dub-ya" Bush.
But, even after all the horrible, nasty things that administration went through, I honestly believe Bush had a better understanding of what it meant to be the president of the UNITED STATES.
President Obama seems to think he is the president of the World states.

Hey, Mr. president, did you know, if they wanted to...China could buy you out. Easily. And because you have your finger in the air trying to figure out which way the wind is blowing in the middle east, they are busy teaming up with Brazil and Japan and the WTO to research how your screwing them over in commodities?
Also, Mr. President, please explain why you have to agree, through WTO, to pay ANNUAL PAYMENTS OF 147 MILLION DOLLARS to Brazil to their cotton farmers because of your, lack of better term, stupidity.

Does "budget DEFICIT" mean anything to you? Does "Your kids will be paying for everyday you dont do anything to help it" mean anything to you?
I've got a conclusion, but it would mean re-writing of the constitution. Before I lay it out there, I want it to be known, it is no means a jab at our founding fathers, I believe they were way ahead of their time, but it's run it's course. And all history must be re-written.

Instead of a income tax, where American people are taxed for government programs, and other things, before they even recieve their pay check. It's a great system, because usually income tax is a system set up for people to actually pay MORE than what they should. But with a progressive income tax system (that's where there are multiple tax percentages, and every americans pays whatever percentage that their annual income falls in) there are problems.
-Those people who dont make enough (or make too much)
-Those folks who pay too much, and the Government has to pay them back
-Those folks who are undocumented, living in this country for free, and those who are doing undocumented work (drugs and illegal activity)

Cut the income tax. Make a 20-30% consumption tax on everything. And i mean, everything.
Everyone spends. Also, if folks are bringing in their total pay amounts, it's easier for them to pay for these things, that will kind of cost a bit more. I mean, all those undocumented workers, spend money at our grocery stores, and other places. This will be an obvious way of making sure they help pay for the country they deprive. It also in some way, cuts out that "I hate illegal immigrants" arguement. Why? They're helping us.
By helping themselves.
It's as close to, ever there ever was, a "Perfect Economy". People take care of other people and their country, by taking care of themselves.
Also, company's will hire more. No more paying taxes on workers means more under the budget.
It's not exact science, it would need some tweaking, and some definite backing, and refining. But like Bernie Madoff says "The government runs it's own Ponzi Scheme on the American people everyday. Where's your money going into? Something you'll never see, ever."

So, Mr. President. The ball is in your court, literally. Because every decision you make, or every day you waste NOT making a decision, is one more your kids, my kids, and America's kids have to deal with.

Lucas out.

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