Alright, so It's been a long time since I've written in this thing.
Since last time....
-My birthday
-And lot sof stuff in between.
So, without further a-do....
Well, lets start with Austin. It was awesome. We hung out with wesley's friend Danielle, and Stuart came down and met us. We had a blast everyday we were there. 6th street was definitely an experience. I could see myself living there, but I really dont think Wesley and I's lifestyle fits in to what Austin offers. Sure, North Austin is awesome, and pretty, and amazing. I love the hill country, but when it comes down to it. Austin seems like a place to go and live when your young. And it's only a place I can see Wesley and I visiting for a little time, for a fun get-a-way ya know?
Wow, guys. I honestly cant explain how ridiculous Lucky I am. Sometimes, early in the morning while drinking coffee and looking up news, I deeply reflect on my life and the choices I have made. I have made some really poor decisions, and I only have myself to blame. But when my mind races forward to the choice I made to clearly follow my heart, and move to Lubbock and go to Texas Tech, I got that choice correct. With a hige gold star beside my name.
The day I met Wesley Cristin Polk, my life only changed for the better. The day she told me she loved me, I became the single luckiest man in the world. And after this birthday, my golden by the way, I could not be more correct then announce that in that moment I realized after everythign we have gone through for 3 years, I wouldnt dare go through it with anyone else.
In Year one, I was immature.
In Year two, I pushed her away, trying to break away and be "wild and crazy"
In Year three, I finally realized that God gave me three blessings in this world.
My Parents, All my siblings, and My beautiful girlfriend.
After all this I guess I should explain what she did, ay?
She totally surprised me with a party at triple J's of at least 20 of my friends. I, for one, was surprised I had 20 friends. All those guys gave up their friday night to come eat dinner with me, and enjoy my birthday. I could not ask for more...well, only a beer or two when I ran out.
There was also this AMAZING cake my girlfriend bought. It was a Red Sox logo. And also strawberry. my favorite. She knows how to make me happy, and Im grateful for it.
Baseball season.
What can I say, I love baseball. After God, my family, Wesley, and my amazing dog, Baseball comes right after. My favorite team is my Boston Red Sox, and although they are off to a really horrible 10 game start. It's April, and this team is too talented not to turn it around.
We went to the Red Sox/Rangers games on April 2nd and 3rd. Wesley's father got us awesome tickets on saturday game, which the Red sox lost, and then on the Sunday game, we had a suite! Which we invited my parents and friends of the family to come enjoy. It was great! Even though the Sox lost, I keep one saying in my head all the time.
"Win, Lose or Tie. Red Sox fan 'till I die!"
Those boys from Beantown always come around....always remember 0-3 in 2004. And Always have faith in the game.
Well, guys. This lucky guy is getting to bed. I have a test in to morning and I got to do well on it. G'night.
Lucas out.
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