Thursday, March 3, 2011


Alright, It's Thursday. Another week has flown by.
I guess, it's okay. Since It's my birthday month.
AND, it's only 30 days until baseball season! Saturday April 2nd, 2011 will be the best day ever.

Me and Wesley are planning going to Austin for my birthday around spring break. It's going to be loads of fun, and I cant wait. I think I may buy a Flip video camera to capture some of the craziness. I have been debating long enough about getting a video camera, that I need to do it or stop thinking about it.
I want one because I want to have videos and memories whenever I get married, I can run a video of me and Wesley's times together, and stuff to the tune of "Last Night" by Nelo, our favorite band.
The song always reminds me of the day I found her, and how when I finally did, I felt a wave of ease come over me, like I had found my best friend for life, and I would always have her.
That feeling, and song, never gets old.

Well, the title of this blog is intended to help relate the idea I had sworming my brain today while I studied for my Commodities and Futures exam.

I am a nail biter.
I've always heard the first step is to just admit the problem.

From this day on, I'm going to quit biting my nails. I figured the reason I have such a horrible immune system is because I bite my nails, all the time.

I will, instead, focus my habitual problem on something else. I will chew gum, or pop a piece of candy in my mouth whenever I have the craving. I will keep my focus on other stuff.

I will do this, I have full confidence I can. I'm embarassed it's taken this long for me to do it. In writing, I feel it'll help me keep my word.

Update tomorrow on how "Operation Habit" is going.
Lucas Out.

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